2010년 8월 12일 목요일

Flex - LiveCycle Data Service installation and configuration(Windows)

I am going to install LiveCycle Data Service(LCDS) to test RemoteObject in Flex. The LCDS I install is lcds3.1 Windows version.  

1.Install LCDS ES as following:
Step1. Click Next.

 Step2. Click agreement and Next.

Step3. You can skip inputing serial number. Click Next.

Step4.Choose select installation folder and click Next.

 Step5. If you choose 'tomcat' option, Tomcat6.x will be installed under the lcds install directory.

 Step6.Click Install.

 Step7. Installation in progress. Wait upto next screen.

 Step8.Read message and click Done.
 Step9. Installation completion

 You can browese the structure of lcds directory like below: You can see the tocamt folder installed.

2. Setup LCDS
To run tomcat server, set Windows environment variable 'CATALINA_HOME' .

LCDS_HOME:  the directory lcds installed
CATALINA_HOME: %LCDS_HOME%tomcat. the directory tomcat installed (in my case, c:\lcds\tomcat)

3. Run tomcat running %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat.

After starting Tomcat, go to http://localhost:8400/lcds  and check if error occursor not.

if you saw the screen like ahead, it says that LCDS installed successfully.

4. If you want to change the port for connection, open %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\server.xml and edit below and restart server.
<Connector port="8400" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

5. You can see the demos connection to http://localhost:8400/lcds-samples .


5. You can see the successful screen.

2010년 8월 11일 수요일

JRun - Troubleshooting "error Could not pre-load servlet: MessageBrokerServlet"

- JRun4 + Update6

I have installed JRun4 already but couldn't run the server. So I search on the Internet about the error and I found the solution. I updated JRun server using Update6. However this time another error ocurred, so I coudn't the server again. Again, thanks to the Internet I got some hint to solve my situation. The error I have met like the picture below:

JRun uses apche API to handle log and this message was that JRun found some same libraries under the JRun directory relating to processing loggin in form of .jar file. The name of library is commons.logging.jar to handle logging.
So I searched the files like below:

I got rid of all highlited files except one. Only valid one is located under default.
Now, it works.

2010년 8월 10일 화요일

JRun - Troubleshooting when running JRun server

 Feature1. JRun launcher

Feature2. JRun error when starting

I downloaded and installed JRun4.0 developer version. After installation, when I ran the server I met the error like above. So I searched Google and got some answers. Here is solution when you meet the same error like me.

1. Open JRun_install_dir/bin/jvm.config file and edit the line starts with "java.args" like below:

java.args=-Xms32m -Xmx128m -Djmx.invoke.getters=true

2. Save the file and restart JRun server through the launcher.
The fixed screen here:
 feature3. fixed screen

See the link if you want to know about how to configure JVM(Java Virtual Machine) configuration.


In other case, you can't run the server when you work with JRun4 with Java1.5. JRun4 doesn't support Java1.5 and over and so you have to update JRun4 using updater6 to use Java1.5.