2010년 9월 9일 목요일

Mvc Music Store(1) - Overview

Mvc Music Store is an good example which is provided by Microsoft ASP.NET web site. It guides us the concept of Model-View-Controler(MVC) in ASP.NET and .NET framework in Web development. I think that it is a good help to those who start with ASP.NET like me. I would like to share extensible information about this sample project. You can see the orginal lecture of this project on the site:

 Mvc Music store is a simple application based on ASP.NET MVC 2. There are three main parts in the application: shopping, checkout, and aministration. The feature of main page is like following.

In this application, the system has the requirements like:
 - Browsing albums by Genre.
 - Viewing the detail of an album.
 - Adding it to their shopping cart.
 - Reviewing cart, removing items in the cart. 
 - Checkout.
 - To login or register for a user account for Checkout.
 - Input order detail.(shipping information - name, address, tel no, etc...)
 - Administrator mode.(list, create, edit, and delete)

If you don't have Visual Studio or SQL Server, please download them first. The Express tools can be installed using the Web Platform installer here: http://www.microsoft.com/web/platform/tools.aspx

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