2010년 11월 14일 일요일

[Beauty Shop Management Programm] 1.Create Usecase Diagram

First step of this project is to create Use Case Diagram which show functions you need in this application. My result of Use Case is following:

Actors are customers, designers, and admin. We can extract some function from this business.
A customer makes an appointment with a designer.
A customer orders services.
A customer purchases beauty items.
A customer gets a refund items he bought after payment.
A customer pays for fare.
A customer signs up.
A customer uses having points.
System prints invoices.
System accumulates points.
System changes points.
A designer view bookings.
A designer offers services.
A administrator logins to the system.
A administrator input member detail.
A administrator input items.
A administrator views reports.
A administrator send mails.

I create the Use Case Diagram for a beauty shop and defined functions. This would not be the best, but it will be enought to proceed Beauty Shop project.

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