2010년 11월 14일 일요일

[Beauty Shop Management Programm] 2.Database Modeling

I will use SQL Sever 2005 Express as a database because it goes well with ASP.NET. If you want, you can change database to other products such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so on esaily because ASP.NET usually uses ORM framework(LINQ to SQL, Entity framework, NHibernate) to handle database. It make it possible persistent layer dependant to your database, so it doesn't matter which database you are using as your DBMS.
If you don't have SQL Server 2005 or 2008 Express, please go to Micorsoft web site and download one of them. I remember that after installation SQL Sever 2005 Express, it causes a problem because of Windows account. Then, just googling.

The datase will include customer, designer, item category, item, sale, customer-sale, designer-sale information.

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